guinea pig

Fleece is a great bedding option for guinea pigs! It's soft on their feet, and fleece pads are absorbent too! It keeps moisture away from their delicate feet! It's also reusable, and economical! It makes cage cleaning a snap and eliminates bedding scatter!
To clean, simply sweep poos/hay daily. On cleaning day (every 3-4 days), roll up fleece, mess and all, shake into garbage or yard waste bag, sweep off excess debris and wash! It is best to have at least two, so one can be used while the other is washed.
Washing instructions:
Wash in hot water with a cup of vinegar and NO fabric softeners. Best to use fragrance free detergent but a mild one is ok. Dry in dryer with no dryer sheet on lower heat to avoid shrinkage. You can use a static ball if you wish. Some people will wash fleece in a laundry bag to catch excess fur etc.
To order yours, send an email to gpsguineapigs@gmail.com
or click on the pencil to fill out the google form: